Why have a Pre/Post Event Massage?

Why have a Pre/Post Event Massage?

These are techniques designed to help sports people not only perform at their best but also aid recovery.

A pre-event massage can be carried out a day prior to an event but is be most beneficial immediately before activity. This usually takes just 5 to 10 minutes.

The main benefits include:

  • Increased blood flow to muscles – helps with the delivery of oxygen and nutrients and removal of waste products. Primes the body for exercise.
  • Improved joint mobility/ flexibility – optimum range of movement for the activity.
  • Ensures muscles are at their right length – optimum force generation and contractibility.
  • Stress reduction – helps pre-competition anxiety

Pre/Post massage at the Mumbles Duathlon will be provided by our L3 and L4 Sport Massage Therapy students.

Why have a pre/post event massage?

A post-event massage is normally performed just after the completion of an event and will take approximately 10 minutes – depending on the availability of therapists and queue length!!

Main benefits include:

  • Prevention/ reduction of delayed onset muscle soreness – less pain is good!
  • Removal of metabolic waste/ lactate – helps with recovery
  • Restores muscle resting length – reduces the feeling of tightness.
  • Improves perceived fatigue levels – the feel-good factor!

After 72 hours, a recovery/ corrective massage session lasting around 30 to 45 minutes will be beneficial to aid the healing process and reduce chronic injuries.

Article supplied by Foundation Degree Spa Management Students at Gower College Swansea

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