Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing??
So…January is the month where pool swimming should be in full flow
We thought it would be a good idea to give you some hints and tips on how to put your Basic endurance sessions together to give you a good base before the training intensity ramps up.
Basic Endurance Training - (aerobic)
The purpose of this type of training is to improve aerobic capacity allowing you to swim faster with less reliance on anaerobic metabolism.
With this type of training Lactic acid will accumulate at a slower rate, delaying the onset of acidosis in your muscles (muscle soreness / fatigue).
Basic Endurance training is important for athletes in all events of 100 metres or longer.
Here are some easy-to-remember guidelines for constructing basic endurance sets:
- Total Set distance 1,000 to 10,000m
- Repeat distances: any repeat can be used 50/75/100/150/200m etc
- Rest intervals – 5 to 30 seconds
- Speed – 2 to 4 seconds per 100 slower than threshold endurance speed
- Perceived effort 70-80%
If you would like to know more on endurance training, then get in touch with Dave or one of his coaches at Heathwood Swimming in Cardiff.